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tv   [untitled]    February 28, 2012 3:30pm-4:00pm EST

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top stories now this syria fails to defend its people and sovereignty from foreign pressure but a new constitution that is the e.u. and forces fresh sanctions over the ongoing violence. the world bank warns china the world's second largest economy that without reform it faces a financial slowdown that could take the global system with it the warning comes despite china's steady growth over the past few years. and home and away britain's criticize for cutting spending at home and sending billions of brought in foreign aid to countries who say they don't even want the cash. back with more on
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those stories in full for us and half an hour from now the meantime a special report blue ghosts looks a towel women's lives have been changed by the u.s. military presence in afghanistan that's our special report next on r.t. . churchmen dollars. and coffee as shallow as they get that you know i should look out now and involve them in joey jackson michigan rather than me about. my love for you have already other places make it in your city i'm sorry that was not me peaches are coming and it does that out of. love to get it. done on a young man.
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who schools they have that i too would works with and the minister is one that woman is asian enjoys and so on and civil to say there were many factors. in f.l. there were still there were two alike in the universities because this is for you. and your that no one respects the laws here or not all one can. live on
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for their own good for their protection of the earth or that he wrote above. well you know if women don't wear their headscarf they will be harassed raped injured and humiliated. whole there is no law the gun is the law we have the woman in parliament we have the woman in media we have the woman in the universe there is we have the woman in the government we have ministers. and you imagine that is that the suspect that they have. put their wife they exchange a daughter but the doc just put their son to have a funny joke and play with that right now. nine percent of. females is good to university woman out of working by go out a man and. really they do this is so every two women
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they are independent economy independent they have some salary this is maybe one or two percent no more most of them when we say that the situation the women in afghanistan has improved you can only take into consideration places such as harrow to missouri sharif and kabul. in the provinces in the villages the situation hasn't changed on the summit yet women are still victims of violence and rape.
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good morning i'm laura bush and i'm delivering this week's radio address to kick off a worldwide effort to focus on the brutality against women and children. network and the regime supports in afghanistan the taliban. regime is now in retreat across much of the country and the people of afghanistan especially women are rejoicing afghan women are the bush administration with blatche on to the issue of the oppression of women now women were oppressed a long time and you never heard anybody talk about it but when the u.s. wanted to invade all the women cared so much the president. bush.
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said military. in a stand women are no longer imprisoned in their home they can listen to music and teach their daughters without fear of punishment the fight against terrorism is also a fight for the rights and dignity of women the media talking to the whole country saying how we are going to liberate the women of afghanistan. you can liberate their people you can liberate. and you certainly can't do it through the barrel of a gun. unfortunately now that the recent permanent civil war. we were once again imprisoned by the fear. and things are going backwards somewhat.
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when i was fourteen years old now i have six children. are stuff that is twenty four my marriage was like like many at that marriage it wasn't forced marriages but that was. i used to say that accidently has that this. is what it's supposed to be. he believes woman strike by. this is a one of us and head out that has been has been stopped the stopped by by by knife because she has a right to you and i democrats young generation that want to play her all and today this command dust off a smile. wanted criminal minds and the rest of afghanistan and his puppet of you know as well and and then they beat a knife to a stop not sure where the women in the thread due to the shaky situation within the country many of them a journalist that sad and many of them have been assassinated and therefore it has
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spread far too high a price to act the west woman who has been my lot like a car in kandahar my john in kandahar. and nadia and jim and head out she gave us some gone much twenty five fearful journalists and couple. there are some end to violence something that didn't exist before unfortunately we were in the beat of the daily and the public mask. a number of. came together and that decided me. because i mean i went to that province and created the show and so now woman you said you could go down that way and have a protection mechanism there. she could provide. make huge for a woman so we cannot control over that woman and i would probably say. you know what you have picked the native place and then. if you have that need that
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. you will give in to a good job but the god. and right now one of the things we can do is pressure our government for afghan women to be at the table with any discussions about reconciliation any discussions around reincorporate in the taliban back into the government because we believe. cannot truly prosper without the participation its population and construction.
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only affected social change you can be. the afghans themselves afghan men and women and now you're working for me and i try to open for. college of women leaderships and i'm stuck to teach women to be the leaders of the future. we should be going in and providing economic opportunities educational opportunities but it's alternately for the afghan people to determine how their social progress is going to proceed. rights aren't given they have
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to be taken have got a stomach so you have asked me if men give women the right to drive a car to join the army or to fight with these other rights that must be taken by a woman who has to drive or get a degree book on a boy or women can do the same as men because women are capable jumper though it took the these are not rights that men give us but rights that we have to take. the horses begin to so we need to work with but the main to teach them and pound them that they're right. about a member of their family. because men are the decision making. men are the power. men are who can make change make a difference so you don't have to work with men so we don't have boys this is difficult for women to do good work on for me tonight because there's no i mean
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specific reason for. afghanistan is not like another. european country to have discord leeks it encourage a woman far more about what rights and tell her that you have that's your right to have access to education to go to disco and it's going to look at it jeff in front of her door the husband doesn't allow to buy that i've been allowed to have but the joy from a breeder it gets for me is. then to don't go to school or university it's kind. of close could produce good. it's a little bit like going out into the villages to convince people with regard to birth control what you've really got to do is you've got to get local people local religious leaders and local social workers etc who are going to go out you can have
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westerners going out and you can have westerners who are have a high profile. in that country because they deal with when the local people go out the local people say you're not here as afghans or as pakistanis are in the nations you're here because these american christian groups you see are trying to impose on us a social policy that we don't believe in in order to make us weaker you know so we'll have smaller families you know so we won't be as strong as we can be.
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she's on with us but there are many more hospitals where you can get education about sexual health and family planning things that you couldn't do in the time of the taliban because again in the time of the taliban you couldn't even leave your home with question of the cows. after missing it in this.
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seven years and this family planning. these adult. and every day in the warm and hospital in the biz and talk about the family premiums to about missed abortion to me did i tell you it is not each i.v. program so every day.
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the films that i produce some mainly about women's rights. should i tell stories about the problems that afghan women face in their lives when i do i make different types of films artistic educated documentaries also some adverts. missiles and in reality what i would like to do is work as much as possible for my country for my people because my people have many needs a hope for this reason i also make educated films films that can give them positive messages. as a big i was because she was famous. had
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you know i had seen her work. i knew who she was but i didn't know her and personality and when i met her i was immediately taken by her character her work her personality. and so we decided to get married as there was also this film was the first bell and head out since. when but i cannot shooting at that time. in two thousand and two when the taliban with afghanistan i decided to move i must make a direct this feel so it was difficult for me because nor did it nor you know family. accept to have a doctor or have
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a wife be activist to my fellow because they don't like. to be. in a movie and seen the woman one year i'll search for acting. the office however i now. have the rights to produce what microfilm strike the ball to the present. and i want to take the exhibition that you see here has fifty exhibits drawn by seven different artists six of these are just some men and one is a woman. again. i'm not sure i've been drawing kerry catchier support ten years i'm not an artist i have a degree in political sciences but i draw in relation to political topics these particular drawings refer to the current political situation.
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it's nothing. more than all of them even in afghanistan that we didn't want here. it's. been rather sick of. afghanistan has never had a caricature exit bishan before. it's the first time because obviously it is about works of critical said tire. and unfortunately their ability to accept criticism here in afghanistan most of all in the political field has notably decreased. computer. right now we have a lot of woman and favorite students which is true but noticed that we have
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a family of actor and activist and for me we have fair male musician. farewell. that's. moving ahead. my name is maria bashir and i'm the chief prosecutor of the herat province. i've had the position for about four years. and it's the first time in the history of ghana system that irresponsibility like this. has been given to her or that her. if you ask me if i'm happy to be born
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a woman then i'll say yes even if i have to face many problems even if the situation is difficult and it takes a lot of effort in such a traditional society above all be no woman is being conscious of your own rights like my job is to follow criminals in the province and in fifteen districts of. the departments. that i manage has one hundred employees. of these one hundred employees town they're women and the rest are all men i'm legally responsible i'm the one that coordinates and checks the work so they have to answer to me be capable of following through with their responsibilities and taking orders from me . so it's not easy to fully understand the courage of these women who put themselves out there and do their best every day. arrived or be paid but if i want to work hard however. people yeah
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i want to head. at them my. i like it. well imagine that huma given my role in the responsibility that i have in my jump my life is in danger because i have to deal with criminals day off to date. and for em to government groups it is unacceptable that a woman has such a responsible position. for this reason i am in danger and i have to move about always with an ass court and an armored car. unfortunately things have not changed very much for afghan women when you think of all the blood that has been spilled from two thousand i want to now be able of it and
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take you over work but we achieved. and security. but to be achieved. poverty. one of the ways you can judge how the status of women is is looking at the issue. maternal mortality how many women die in childbirth. one out of five afghan women died in childbirth where i think it's one of the highest rates in the entire world it was under the taliban and it continues now. this is the picture of the woman in nineteen a young girl nine hundred sixty so one when they go. to school. and they see how they are free but even with a cough they waste a quote and they are going to school going to turn it on if they condition the
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women has been one of the reasons for military intervention in the country where she so much there are many women but the majority are women who have a political role many of them are linked to fundamentalist groups so i'm going to go i'm sure there is a high number of women in the afghan parliament. twenty eight percent are women but many of these twenty eight percent belong to the norm you know so about their woman is important delegates or appointed by the warlords or seniority that you send some of their women into government you know the person. and of today's women's point of view. i work in the news editor an office of radio much day and i present a show for women transmitted by the radio station our program talks about different subjects mostly accounts on the condition of women in herat and their activities.
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are i started working when i was nine years old fifty years my work has been to weave carpets no hope i have lived to long for six years i have three children two girls and one boy this is a particularly difficult period for us but that let's talk about the development of women in society i have complete is a number of cinema to graphic projects. because we have money. money to argue a. t.v. station and argue official and also a newspaper. or magazine. monthly. we have money and also a programme about women growth of oklahoma ok and that's why women and people know about their rights now that we are in we had more been told than nine hundred which came on in coming. in really decided this all the way african woman there
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are problems that women face not only in hair out but in all of afghanistan. other problems are many for example in families they are victims of violence perpetrated by their fathers husbands and brothers right here so this is historic i'm not going to stop these dumbest equality for years for maybe two and a half years for babies five year old babies twelve years old girls fourteen year old girl take it right. normally if they injure their wives the husband don't accompany them to hospitals or their companies by the member of their families you know guy in afghanistan beating your wife beating your family beating your children isn't considered a crime. the police reports mainly regard physical violence.
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right however i believe the majority of women i can say ninety nine percent suffer psychological violence but it isn't trip or to. the other day for example i saw a fifteen year old girl who was the second wife of a fifty five year old man. because here ninety nine point nine percent of all marriages are arranged. cheater she told us that from the day she had my her husband he has never taken care of or that he has only beaten her and that she can't make any decisions at all she was sick and she told us my husband doesn't want me to get better more. woman in afghanistan with. a. break i get right in there has been. this. has been growing.
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